November 11, 2021

View your organisation: a new way to view your teams 🔭

Trying to find a certain team in your organisation or just exploring how other teams are doing has been a bit tricky, we know, we’ve experienced the same. That’s why we are excited to annouce a new feature Views! You can now view your whole organisation and see how your teams, and virtual teams, are doing from the same place.

Just click on the Views from the navigation menu and you'll be able to view your organisation chart. You can also list your teams in alphabetical order or use the search to find a specific team if you are in a a larger organisation.

Is there something we forgot to add? 🤔 Something that would make looking for teams even easier? 💪 We'd love to hear what you think!
Just drop us an email at or start a chat directly with us.

Other updates:
  • Context Sharing: added a confirmation dialogue to avoid accidently deleting context cards
  • Teams view: you can now add Objectives directly from the team view without having to go to the Objectives section