October 13, 2021

Latest updates from our October release

New Functionality
  • OKR - Add possibility to remove parent link: Added support for removing the parent link from an Objective
  • DFAC - Support viewing history of sessions: Added support for fetching more than the last 10 Digital Facilitation sessions
  • Context Sharing - Support for undoing accidental deletion of Context Card elements: Added support for undoing deletion of a context sharing deletion. After deleting an element from a card, a snackbar is shown for 10 seconds with a button to revert the deletion.
  • Context Sharing - Increase image # limit to 50: Increased limit of images in a Context Sharing page to 50
  • Admin - Support UTF-8 files with BOM in CSV import: Added support for UTF-8-BOM files to the CSV import to directly support the format Excel exports

Bug fixes
  • SSO - Unprovisioned user is stuck unless they logout
  • Fixed issue where an unprovisioned user would see the unprovisioned page after returning to TG even after having been provisioned. The unprovisioned page now automatically logs the user out after 10 seconds, when the user is provisioned they will have to log in again and the app will load normally.
  • Organization - Cannot delete root teams in matrix organizations
  • Fixed issue where teams in matrix organizations that were at the "root" of the hierarchy could not be deleted without first moving them under another team.
  • OKRs - Fetching related Objectives fails when opening an Objective panel from Team pages
  • Fixed issue where the related objectives would not be loaded when an Objective panel was opened from the team pages
  • OKRs - The timeline chart shows "All good" for teams/users with no OKRs
  • Removed the chip for teams/users with no OKRs
  • OKRs - Opening link to the panel of a deleted KR leads to an infinite loading spinner
  • Fixed issue where opening a link to a KR that had been deleted would get stuck on a loading spinner.
  • General - Chosen language is reverted on logout
  • Fixed issue where the chosen language would be forgotten after logging out.
  • DFAC - Session list stuck on loading spinner if looking at a team where the user is not a member or manager
  • Fixed issue where an endless loading spinner would be shown when attempting to view the Digital Facilitation session list for a team where the user was not a member/manager of. The page will now display a text explaining that Digital Facilitation session are only visible to team members.
  • DFAC - On large teams it is impossible to see all the participants
  • Fixed poor usability of Digital Facilitation for larger teams with a redesign of the UI.
  • Context Sharing - Cursor jumping while editing text elements
  • Fixed issue where the cursor would sometimes jump to the end of the string when editing text elements in Context Sharing cards.